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Best SEO Tips

We suggest that the following are areas to work on to help the way search engines see your website. Website Title: The title of your website is very important as it describes what the website is and is included in the title of every page.This title should be concise with the keywords of who you are.You set this title in the Site Settings. Page Titles: The title of each page is VERY important for search results as it identifies a key part of what is on your site.Google shows only 65 characters in title. Page Description: The description on each page is not necessarily used by search engines to increase your rank, but many times it is what is used to show as a block of text under a search result.Therefore, it is important that the text would be descriptive. Keywords: Keywords are important for Indexing so you need to edit this description as the default one on the Site Settings SEO and then you can edit each one per page on the SEO Tab. Text Content: Ad content releated to youe website or blog.For example if your website or blog related to "Songs" then put all information about "Songs".

What are Meta Tags?

Titles & Meta Tags are special HTML Tags that are inserted into your web page and are often not directly visible to your visitors. Web page Titles & Meta Tags help search engines understand, catalog and categorize your web pages so those looking for your products or services can find you.

Why do I Need Titles & Meta Tags?

Every web page should have a Title and a Meta Description Tag. Your web page Title is similar to the Title of a book and the Meta Description is similar to the preface or back cover of a book and is used to describe what the web page is about.

How Do I Use Titles & Meta Tags?

After creating your new Title and Meta Tags with this program, we will provide additional instructions on how to install them on your web page. In short, Meta Tags MUST be placed between your opening and closing Tags. In addition, all web pages MUST contain both the opening and closing Tags to be considered robot friendly HTML documents. Below is a sample of Meta Tag usage (highlighted in red) and the use of the Title Tag (highlighted in green).

Meta Keywords Tag:

You are not required to enter anything into the Meta Keywords text box below. Most search engines these days ignore the Meta Keywords. However, if you provide words in the Meta Keywords Tag that also appear in the viewable part of your web page, the Meta Keywords Tag may help your rankings with some search engines.

For example

Enter keywords and keyword phrases for your web page. Separate each keyword or keyword phrase by a comma and then a space (e.g, keyword, keyword phrase, keyword, etc.).
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